Generative AI has sparked a lot of excitement, and promising impacts across various industries. However, as the initial buzz settles, organizations are beginning to encounter the real and complex challenges associated with transitioning from pilot projects to fully scaled, production-ready systems. This critical phase involves navigating technical complexities, managing costs, ensuring data quality, and aligning AI initiatives with strategic business objectives. The journey from concept to large-scale deployment is not straightforward and is often littered with obstacles that can turn promising initiatives into stalled projects or costly missteps. To help business leaders successfully navigate this intricate landscape, we present our key strategies for scaling gen AI. This includes not only addressing common pitfalls but also exploring the exciting potential of AI agents to drive innovation and efficiency.

1. Focusing on strategic use cases

One reason why gen AI projects often stumble is that they’re driven by hype rather than real strategic value. To succeed, organizations need to zero in on use cases that genuinely matter to their business and offer clear ROI. Focus on scenarios that align with your core goals and provide real benefits, like boosting efficiency, saving costs, generating new revenue, or driving innovation. By concentrating on these impactful applications, you can avoid the trap of creating solutions that don’t add much value to your business. It’s about being smart and strategic, not just following the latest trend.

2. Integration over individual components

The gen AI technology stack can seem pretty complex, but what really matters is how well these components work together, not just picking the perfect individual parts. Many cloud providers offer similar language models, and these technologies are always evolving. So, it’s crucial to choose flexible systems that let you easily integrate APIs and swap out components as new advancements come along. This way, you’re not locked into one specific technology and can adapt as things change. It’s like building with interchangeable parts that fit together smoothly, no matter how things evolve.

For example, we use frameworks like Langchain and Llamaindex to construct flexible, agnostic pipelines. This allows us to easily swap out only the models (embedding, LLM, etc.) and retrieval systems (Pinecone, PGVector, etc.) as new advancements emerge, providing a “plug and play” capability.

3. Managing costs effectively

Cost management is crucial when scaling gen AI applications. AI models themselves account for only a small percentage of the total project costs. The bulk of the expenses come from ongoing operations, including model and data pipeline maintenance, risk and compliance management, infrastructure costs, and continuous model training and updates. These ongoing expenses can quickly add up – with cloud computing fees, storage costs, and the manpower needed for monitoring and managing AI systems. Additionally, ensuring data privacy and security, meeting regulatory requirements, and implementing robust governance frameworks further contribute to the overall cost. Effective cost management and change management strategies are essential to prevent budget overruns and ensure the long-term sustainability of gen AI projects.

4. Building cross-functional teams

Successfully scaling gen AI takes more than just tech skills. You need a team that includes business experts, risk managers, and domain specialists to make sure your solutions are not only technically sound but also align with your business needs and compliance rules. Setting up governance structures, like centers of excellence or dedicated gen AI teams, can help you prioritize projects, allocate resources wisely, and keep an eye on how things are going. Don’t make the common mistake of treating gen AI as just a tech project—it’s a whole-business initiative.

5. Data quality over quantity

High-performing gen AI solutions thrive on clean, accurate data. By investing in solid data foundations and targeted data labeling – especially for advanced techniques like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) – you can dramatically boost the quality of your AI outputs. It’s essential to assess the value and reliability of your data sources and keep your data up-to-date to ensure your models remain dependable. Additionally, bringing together various data sources into one well-organized repository can make data management much smoother. This not only saves time and effort but also ensures that your AI models are working with the best information available, leading to more reliable and scalable solutions.

For instance, we used RAG to develop a solution for a company by integrating their product guides, blogs, and YouTube videos into a single, comprehensive data repository. We applied targeted data labeling to key segments of this content, ensuring the AI could accurately interpret and utilize the information. This enabled us to build an AI system capable of providing precise answers to user queries by retrieving and generating responses based on the most relevant and up-to-date information.

6. Reusability and scalability

Reusable code and modular components can significantly speed up the development of gen AI solutions, sometimes by as much as 30 to 50 percent. Instead of creating isolated, one-off solutions, it’s smarter to build tools and components that can be used in multiple applications. By regularly reviewing your projects to find common needs, you can develop reusable assets like data preprocessing tools and model components. This approach not only makes development faster but also ensures that your solutions are consistent and scalable across different projects. It’s like building with LEGO bricks—you create versatile pieces that fit together in various ways to construct something robust and efficient.

7. Continuous improvement and adaptation

The gen AI landscape is constantly evolving, with new models and techniques popping up all the time. To keep up, organizations need to embrace a mindset of continuous improvement, regularly updating their models and integrating the latest advancements. Using effective observability tools that monitor AI interactions in real-time can help spot issues early and make quick adjustments. Building a strong MLOps platform that supports end-to-end automation and continuous delivery can boost the efficiency and reliability of your AI deployments.

The next frontier: gen AI-enabled agents

The shift from knowledge-based tools to action-based agents marks a significant leap in gen AI capabilities. These agentic systems can execute complex, multistep workflows, effectively acting as virtual coworkers. This evolution from information to action has the potential to drive a new wave of productivity and innovation.

Value of AI agents

AI agents can automate complex use cases with highly variable inputs and outputs, which traditional rule-based systems struggle to handle. They can manage multiple tasks, operate using natural language instructions, and work seamlessly with existing software tools and platforms. For instance, an AI agent could streamline the process of booking a personalized travel itinerary by handling logistics across multiple platforms, or automate the loan underwriting process by executing specialized tasks and coordinating with other agents and humans.

Preparing for agentic systems

To leverage the potential of AI agents, organizations need to focus on:

  • Codification of relevant knowledge: define and document business processes into workflows that can be used to train agents.
  • Strategic tech planning: ensure that IT systems can effectively interface with agent systems and capture user interactions for continuous improvement.
  • Human-in-the-loop control mechanisms: Implement robust oversight mechanisms to balance autonomy and risk, ensuring accuracy, compliance, and fairness.

In summary: unlocking full value

Gen AI holds incredible potential, but to unlock its full value, you need a thoughtful and strategic approach to scaling. By focusing on use cases that truly make a difference, managing costs wisely, building teams with diverse skills, ensuring your data is top-notch, and reusing what works, you can overcome the hurdles of moving from small pilot projects to large, production-ready AI solutions. Bringing AI agents into the mix can boost productivity and spark innovation even further, positioning your business to fully harness the transformative power of gen AI. It’s all about taking smart, deliberate steps to turn promising ideas into powerful, real-world applications.

To fully capitalize on the power of generative AI and navigate the complex landscape of scaling from pilot to production, leveraging a partner who understands the intricacies and challenges is key to success. O3 specializes in guiding businesses through this journey, offering strategic expertise, innovative solutions, and a collaborative approach. Reach out to our team today to start your AI journey.

About the contributor

Headshot, Mahesh Gaitonde, Chief Digital Officer.
Mahesh Gaitonde
Chief Digital Officer
About O3

Since 2005, our team has been pushing the boundaries of innovation with its deep understanding of the current and emerging digital ecosystem. Learn more about us, our work or innovation at O3.